Life – One Bite at A Time

During a hard week, this realization came to me. Hope is about a future that isn’t here yet. When life feels bigger than me, I can break it down to the moment in a bite size piece.   My guiding question of late is “what is the one next right thing I need to do” Sometimes …

Is the sunset always redder on the other side of the fence?

When I first started taking a lot of photos, I did all sorts of things to “edit” out the power lines I realized that was actually how I was living my life – going through through all sorts of machinations to avoid seeing what was really there.   That’s exactly how denial works.   We …

A Letter to Myselves

Dear Little Me There are so many things I wish I could tell you that would change the course of the heartbreak in your life. I wish I could share wisdom with you (or even cram it down your throat) to help you avoid the days when the shadows are more prominent than the light. …